
Intrathoracic lipomas are rarely seen, a total of 77 cases having been previously reported in the literature. An additional 3 cases were seen at Roswell Park Memorial Institute, and these are presented below. The diagnosis and management of these lesions will be discussed. Report of Cases Case 1. —A 53-year-old white man presented himself at Roswell Park in July, 1955. He had a 7-year history of dull ache in the anterior chest at the level of the left nipple. He had also developed a nonproductive cough one month prior to admission. A chest x-ray in July, 1952, showed a small density in the left lower lung field. A follow-up x-ray taken in November, 1952, showed no interval change in this density. On July 8, 1955, another chest x-ray taken at Roswell Park Memorial Institute showed a spherical mass immediately lateral to the apex of the heart. This was interpreted as

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