
Our objective was to establish whether intrathecal narcotics for obstetric analgesia offer an adequate and cost-effective alternative to epidural analgesia with minimal side effects in our small, semirural community hospital with limited anesthesia coverage. Low-risk patients at > or = 35 gestational weeks in active labor were offered intrathecal narcotics. A retroactive chart review of every patient receiving an intrathecal injection was compared with a chart review of the next consecutive low-risk patient who did not receive an intrathecal narcotic. Age, parity, and status of labor at the time of application were noted, as was the subsequent rate of labor and the type of delivery. Side effects such as changes in vital signs, headache, vomiting, pruritus, urinary retention, and/or respiratory depression were noted. All study patients received fentanyl, 25 to 35 micrograms, plus 0.25 to 0.3 mg of preservative-free morphine combined with 6 to 8 mg of lidocaine. Within 15 minutes of delivery intravenous nalbuphine (Nubain), 5 mg, and oral naltrexone, 12.5 mg, were administered. Pain relief was recorded as excellent, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory (requiring additional medication). During the 30-month review period, 90 patients (3% of total deliveries) received intrathecal narcotics. There were three sets of twins, for a total of 93 live births. Ten patients (11%) required primary cesarean section, and of the 83 vaginal births 35 (38%) were spontaneous, two (2%) required forceps deliveries, and 46 (49%) were delivered by vacuum extraction, which was significantly higher than the 28 (31%) for controls. The rate of labor was not affected, with both groups requiring a similar rate of oxytocin (Pitocin) augmentation. Significantly more patients receiving intrathecal narcotics experienced pruritus and urinary retention compared with controls. There was no incidence of respiratory depression. Eighty-four (93%) of the 90 patients reported excellent pain relief, five patients had satisfactory relief lasting 2.5 to 6 hours, and one was unsatisfactory. In our hospital with limited anesthesia services intrathecal narcotics offer excellent labor pain relief with manageable side effects and without adverse obstetric outcome.

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