
Jeong Man Cho, Kyong Tae Moon, Hyun Seung Kim, Jeong Yoon Kang, Tag Keun Yoo, Seung Wook Lee From the Department of Urology, Eulji University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Intratesticular varicocele is a rare entity and refers to a dilated intratesticular vein radiating from the mediastinum testis into the testicular parenchyma. A 22-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with left testicular pain. On physical examination, a grade III varicocele was noted on the left side. Gray-scale ultrasound and color Doppler ultrasound examinations revealed intratesticular and extratesticular varicocele. The patient underwent spermatic vein ligation by open modified Palomo varicocelectomy. (Korean J Urol 2009;50:822-824) 󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏󰠏

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