
Kisspeptin-Kiss1R signalling in mammals has been implicated as an integral part of the reproductive cascade. Kisspeptinergic neurons upstream of GnRH neurons are involved in the activation of the hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator during pubertal onset. Thus, the major research focus has been on the central effects of kisspeptin. The demonstration of the presence of KissR expression in human testes suggests additional unknown actions of kisspeptin-KISS1R signalling at the distal component of the male reproductive axis. Here we explored the impact of kisspeptin at the testis in the adult male rhesus monkey. We employed the clamped monkey model to assess the intratesticular actions of kisspeptin. Plasma testosterone and LH levels were monitored in four adult male monkeys. The peripheral administration of human kisspeptin-10 (50 μg, iv bolus) caused a single LH pulse, which was followed by a robust increase in plasma testosterone levels sustained for at least 180 min. This response was abolished when kisspeptin was administered to GnRH receptor antagonist (acyline) pre-treated animals. However, kisspeptin administration significantly (P < 0.005) elevated hCG-stimulated testosterone levels in acyline pre-treated monkeys when compared with saline+ hCG treatment. These results revealed a novel peripheral facet of kisspeptin signalling.

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