
Incidents of usurpation were observed in colonies of Polistes fuscatus nesting on farm buildings (1977–79) and in nestboxes (1980–84) in Johnson County, Iowa, USA. Most usurpations (84.8%) occurred in the latter half of the preworker phase of the colony cycle, which coincided with periods of high predation of combs by vertebrates. Usurpers were probably displaced single foundresses which did not join neighbors or refound colonies after comb loss. Most (89–100%) usurpers of known relatedness to the foundresses they replaced were cousins or less related to them. Usurpation was a significant source of nest loss (19.6%) among single foundresses, but was rare (2.2%) in multiple-foundress colonies and colonies with workers (3.5%). Usurpers often destroyed younger brood (eggs and larvae in instars 1–3) in host colonies, while older larvae and pupae were usually spared. Brood destruction was more pronounced in more advanced host combs. Usurper survivorship after workers eclosed was lower than than of queenright single foundresses (61.5% vs 87.0%). Reproductive success by usurpers was less than that of queenright single foundresses, but greater than that of foundresses which initiated colonies late in the preworker colony cycle.

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