
First clutches of double-brooded eastern phoebes Sayornis phoebe were manipulated (up two eggs, down 2 eggs or no change) to test for intraseasonal reproductive tradeoffs and to test whether size of first brood influenced food delivery rates to nestlings and nestling quality in second broods.Considering all nests from both broods, rate of feeding nestlings increased linearly with brood size but nestling mass per nest decreased with increasing brood size. High nestling weights in small broods may have resulted from parents delivering better quality food, but we did not test this.Among treatment groups in first broods, nestlings from decreased broods weighed more than those in control or increased broods. Treatment did not influence the likelihood that second nests would be attempted after successful first nests nor did it alter the interval between nests. Nestlings of parents that renested weighed more than those of parents that did not, regardless of treatment, suggesting that post-fledging care may preclude renesting. Mass of individual females did not change between broods, regardless of brood size. Clutch sizes of second attempts were not affected by manipulations of first broods but increasing first broods reduced the number of nestlings parents were able to raise to day 11 in their second broods. However, manipulation of first broods did not affect mean nestling mass per nest of nestlings that survived to day 11.In phoebes, parents of small first broods are able to raise nestlings in better condition. We predict that in harsh years, parents of small first broods would be more likely to renest. Parents of enlarged first broods sacrificed quality of offspring in second broods, which seems a reasonable strategy if nestlings from second broods have lower reproductive value.

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