
The dynamics in travel behavior have been exploring widely in travel demand industry with a focus on interpersonal variability. And, numerous research has been conducted to analyze travel behavior. Nevertheless, intrapersonal variation of travel behavior in destination choice modeling is still underestimated. These models are capable to accommodate population heterogeneity; but still not often used in large scale. In this paper, destination choice models are developed to estimate the intrapersonal variation in travel behavior. The models incorporate the effects associated with trip characteristics and spatial information on travel behavior. Two years (2014 and 2015) data is used to develop the model from the Dutch Mobile Mobility Panel (DMMP) by using mixed logit model. Total 68626 valid trips are recorded for 442 respondents who participated in both years. Data were collected by a smartphone app that uses global positioning system (GPS), and automatically detects departure-arrival times, origin-destinations, modes. Based on the activity purposes, data are segmented into fixed (work, education, appointment, etc.) and flexible (shopping, leisure, sports, tour, etc.) destination. Discrete destination alternatives are defined based on individuals’ behavior of destination repetition and statistical distribution of the spatial repetition index to capture the intrapersonal variation in destination choice. The model results and probabilities show that the intrapersonal variation is high for the less repeated locations, which clearly represents the variation (or novelty) seeking behavior for choosing destinations. Nevertheless, this variation exists also in the departure time and mode repetition, which is particularly high for the less repeated locations. Elasticity revealed the connection between activity, departure time and destination. Travel time and departure time is found significant parameters. For example, people trust the bicycle and walking travel time, and while the morning is likely to travel towards fixed destinations, afternoon and evening is likely for travelling to the flexible destinations. Fixed destination trips are mostly in the commercial and industrial area and unlike to be performed during the weekend, while retail and recreation grounds are likely for flexible destinations. Accessibility of public transport is found more reliable than bicyle and car. Lastly, built environment variables are found strongly correlated with mode choice.

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