
To the Editor: —There is no doubt that the intraperitoneal method of giving citrated blood is unnecessary for some men. For the same reason, I very much doubt the ability of the average man successfully to expose and utilize the median cephalic vein in the new-born. The mere fact that Helmholz recommends the sinus route; Robertson, the internal saphenous vein; Falls, the jugular vein; and Sidbury, the umbilical vein shows that difficulties have been encountered. The method was not intended as a substitute for Dr. Lewisohn's excellent pioneer work, but only as an addition of possible merit. I have never used the intraperitoneal route in hemophilia neonatorum, for I have found whole blood intramuscularly a satisfactory therapeutic agent. However, it is felt that this means of approach may be used. I know of no scientific reason why citrated blood in the peritoneal cavity should be dangerous, especially in the new-born

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