
Arterial variations in the liver's blood supply play a pivotal role in the success of pancreatoduodenectomy (PD), impacting both its technical execution and oncological outcomes. Among these variations, a common hepatic artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) occurs in about 3% of cases. An exceptionally rare variation is the intrapancreatic common hepatic artery (IPCHA). Preserving or reconstructing the IPCHA is vital during PD to prevent liver and biliary necrosis. Particularly for cases of pancreatic cancer with high rates of intrapancreatic perineural spread, preserving IPCHA without compromising radicality presents challenges. We present a detailed report of the technique used for PD in the presence of IPCHA. Surgical technique details include a pylorus-preserving PD with the Cattell-Braasch maneuver, an artery-first approach, and meticulous dissection using "cold" scissors. We emphasize the importance of strategic surgical planning based on high-quality imaging studies, underscoring the need for pancreatic surgeons to be proficient in managing variations in visceral vessels. In conclusion, this case underscores the significance of navigating rare arterial variations in liver supply during PD, highlighting the necessity for meticulous surgical planning and execution.

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