
An ultrastructural and tracer study was undertaken to determine normal outflow pathways of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) at the terminal subarachnoid space (SAS) of the optic nerve. In the morphological studies, the optic nerve dura and arachnoid were found to be continuous with the sclera of the eye beyond the optic nerve SAS. The pia mater is continuous with the inner sclera and the lamina fusca of the eye. Montages and serial sections demonstrated that the distal SAS is divided into numerous tortuous channels to form an "arachnoidal trabecular meshwork". Spaces of this meshwork continue into "microcanals" which bypass the outer arachnoid barrier layers of the optic nerve meninges to reach the sclera and posterior intraorbital connective tissue. Ferritin infused into the cisterna magna entered the optic nerve SAS within 1 min and reached arachnoidal trabecular meshwork channels and the microcanals within 8 min. It then passed into intraorbital connective tissue spaces at the posterior pole of the eye. Ferritin appeared to be blocked by the lamina fusca and a newly discovered "posterior compact zone" which together prevented its entrance into the choroidal interstitium. These observations suggest that a "subarachnoidal-scleral-orbital outflow pathway" provides a route for CSF drainage from the optic nerve SAS to intraorbital connective tissue. The previously described "posterior uveal compartment" in the hamster eye (Kelly et al. 1983) appears to be relatively isolated from this subarachnoidal-scleral-orbital CSF outflow.

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