
Introduction: Lipoma is a benign mesenchymal tumor composed of mature adipocytes. It is common in the head and neck region, although its appearance in the oral cavity is uncommon. Only 1-5% of the lesions are located in this area; representing 2.2% of all lipomas. The most common areas are the buccal mucosa, lips, tongue, palate, vestibule, floor of the mouth and retromolar area. Case presentation: Two patients were referred to our Department for treatment of a tumor located in the floor of the mouth. Clinical examination revealed a mass, soft, mobile, not attached to deeper planes and covered by mucosa which appeared normal but with a slight yellowish color. The lesions were enucleated under local anesthesia with articaine 1: 100,000 4%, followed by incision, dissection, excision and suture using PGA 3/0. Macroscopically they were encapsulated lesions, easily enucleable and yellowish in color. Conclusion: While intraoral lipomas are relatively uncommon, their clinical diagnosis is easy due to their yellowish color, and their usual location superficially beneath the mucosa. The differential diagnosis includes fibroma, dermoid cyst, minor salivary gland tumors, mucocele, hemangioma, lymphangioma, rhabdomyoma or neuroma.

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