
Most people would agree that successful parathyroidectomy depends on two important variables: the surgeon's recognition and excision of the abnormal parathyroid gland(s) and the pathologist's confirmation that the removed tissue is parathyroid tissue. Frozen section is usually employed to confirm the identity of parathyroid tissue, but occasionally confirmation cannot be made without a permanent section, as with intrathyroidal glands. This study proposes a new method of expeditious and easy confirmation of parathyroid tissue utilizing the immunoassay for quick measurement of intraoperative parathyroid hormone (IOPTH). By directly aspirating the suspected adenoma, the assay becomes a rapid diagnostic tool that can be used as an alternative to frozen section. In cases where the surgeon is already planning to employ the assay, the elimination of frozen section is cost-effective. Intraoperative aspiration of histologically confirmed parathyroid adenomas was performed on 12 consecutive patients undergoing parathyroid surgery. Parathyroid glands were aspirated with a 22-gauge syringe after gland excision. Aspirates were placed in 1 to 3 ml of buffered saline. A similar process was performed on 12 thyroid controls. Specimens were centrifuged, aliquotted, and stored at -70 degrees C. The parathyroid hormone value was analyzed electively by rapid assay and the values recorded. For all parathyroid aspirates, the rapid assay value was > 1500 pg/ml, exceeding the uppermost limit of the diagnostic chart. Values for thyroid aspirates ranged from 58 to 85 pg/ml (mean 75.7 pg/ml). In all cases tissue confirmation was achieved with permanent section. Values were 100% sensitive and specific. Measurement of PTH from intraoperative aspiration of suspected parathyroid adenomas is clinically useful in patients for whom frozen section would routinely be employed. Values > 1500 pg/ml secure the tissue diagnosis. There is no additional cost in cases where IOPTH monitoring is already being utilized to confirm cure. The elimination of frozen section could be cost-effective and, for some institutions, actually decrease the operating time as the IOPTH assay takes only 15 minutes. PTH assay is an accurate diagnostic technique and to date is 100% sensitive and specific for differentiating between parathyroid tumors and thyroid nodules.

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