
Patients with atopic dermatitis often develop tears around the vitreous base. An attempt was made to determine whether these patients had any abnormalities of the vitreous base that would lead to formation of such tears. The medical records and intraoperative videotape recordings of 12 patients with atopic dermatitis and retinal detachment who underwent vitrectomy were reviewed. Tears were located at the ora serrata or in the nonpigmented epithelium of the pars plana or plicata of the ciliary body. The vitreous gel at its base was condensed like fluffy cotton in all of the patients, whereas the retina and the continuing nonpigmented epithelium around the ora serrata were wrinkled by contraction of the overlying abnormal gel. Frequent occurrence of oral dialyses and tears of the nonpigmented epithelium of the ciliary body in patients with atopic dermatitis could be attributed to the abnormal vitreous gel at its base.

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