
There exists a growing interest in intra-operative radiation therapy as a treatment modality for large bowel cancer. In a previous experimental study we showed that high-dose intra-operative irradiation delays the healing of colonic anastomoses. However, the contribution of proteases is unknown. In the present study, the gelatinolytic and collagenolytic activity in the healing anastomoses is investigated. After a resection of a 1-cm length of colon (uninjured colon), the rats were irradiated with a single dose of 25 Gy, either to the proximal limb, referred to as the proximal group, or to both proximal and distal limbs of the bowel, referred to as the combined group, before anastomotic construction. Both groups were compared to a control group with anastomoses which were sham-irradiated. The animals were killed 1, 3 or 7 days after operation. The gelatinolytic activity in uninjured and anastomotic tissue was quantified by gelatin zymography and the collagenolytic activity by an assay using a fibrillar rat collagen substrate. Compared with resected uninjured colon, most of the gelatinolytic activities were markedly increased in anastomotic tissue of all groups during the first postoperative week, and new additional activities were detected. The additional metalloproteinases (the 95-kDa family) of both irradiated groups were significantly elevated compared to the anastomoses of the sham-irradiated control group at 7 days after operation. In anastomotic tissue of all groups, the collagenolytic activity of the tissue was also significantly increased at 1 and 3 days after construction with respect to the resected, uninjured colon. After 7 days this effect had disappeared for the sham-irradiated anastomoses, but the activity in the anastomoses in both the proximal and combined groups remained significantly elevated. The findings provide evidence that intra-operative irradiation prolongs the presence of elevated gelatinolytic and collagenolytic activities in colon anastomoses. It may contribute to a reduced or delayed accumulation of collagen and other matrix proteins that supply anastomotic strength.

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