
Bacitracin is widely used in operating rooms to soak implants, irrigate compound fractures, and apply to surgical incisions. However, bacitracin is a known sensitizer and causes not only allergic contact dermatitis but also anaphylaxis. To describe a 72-year-old woman with anaphylaxis after irrigation and packing of an infected pacemaker pocket with a bacitracin solution. Skin prick testing to bacitracin and latex; serum tryptase, serum histamine, serum IgE to latex, and serial cardiac enzyme measurements; blood cultures, transthoracic echocardiograms, and venograms were performed to characterize the reaction. Six hours after the anaphylactic event, the patient had an elevated serum tryptase level of 49 ng/mL (reference range, 2-10 ng/mL), which normalized the next morning. She had immediate-type skin prick test reactions to full-strength bacitracin ointment (500 U/g) and bacitracin solution (150 U/mL). Serum IgE level to latex was undetectable, and results of skin testing to latex were negative. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of anaphylaxis to bacitracin during pacemaker surgery. This case illustrates that intraoperative anaphylaxis to bacitracin can be life-threatening.

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