
In spontaneous ocular hypertensive buphthalmic rabbits, we have tested a representative agent of various pharmacological classes which are known to decrease intraocular pressure (IOP) by an action upon aqueous humour formation and/or outflow facility after topical instillation. Various concentrations of the α-adrenergic agonist, norepinephrine, the mixed α, β-adrenergic agonist, epinephrine, the β-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol, and β-adrenergic antagonists, timolol and propranolol, as well as the cholinergic agent, pilocar-pine, resulted in a significant dose-related decrease in IOP of buphthalmic rabbits. The results demonstrate the utility of buphthalmic rabbits for the evaluation of the ocular hypotensive and potential antiglaucoma activity of pharmacological agents; however, difficulties encountered in breeding and maintaining these rabbits appear to preclude their routine use for large scale drug evaluation.

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