
The latest research suggests that the abducens nerve may be divided into subbranches that reach functionally distinct zones of the lateral rectus muscle. The goal of the study was to examine this muscle's innervation, including the detailed distribution of the intramuscular subbranches of the abducens nerve. Twenty-five lateral rectus muscle specimens were harvested (with the orbital segment of the abducens nerve), fixed in 10% formalin solution, and stained with Sihler's whole mount nerve staining technique. Subbranches running to the lateral rectus divided into two main groups: superior and inferior. Both groups of subbranches are distributed in a fan-shaped manner, show a characteristic "tree-like" branching pattern and form terminal plexus near the proximal half of the lateral rectus muscle. However, some smaller subbranches run as far as the muscle's insertion, and recurrent subbranches also reach its origin. With respect to their course to the muscle's origin or insertion, the smallest subbranches running within the muscle may be associated with innervation of the tendon. In the majority of cases (88%), superior and inferior subbranches of the abducens nerve overlapped in the central one-third of the lateral rectus muscle's width so that any clearly distinct anatomical segments of the muscle could be observed based on Sihler's technique. In the remaining 12% of specimens, superior and inferior groups of subbranches innervated two distinct compartments of the lateral rectus muscle with no overlapping. Dense, fan-shaped distribution of abducens nerve intramuscular subbranches can be observed within the lateral rectus muscle. Clin. Anat. 33:585-591, 2020. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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