
By screening a library of unintegrated, circular Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) DNA cloned in lambda phage, we found that approximately 20% of the M-MuLV DNA inserts contained internal sequence deletions or inversions. Restriction enzyme mapping demonstrated tht the deleted segments frequently abutted a long terminal repeat (LTR) sequence, whereas the inverted segments were usually flanked by LTR sequences, suggesting that many of the variants arose as a consequence of M-MuLV DNA molecules integrating within their own DNA. Nucleotide sequencing also suggested that most of the variant inserts were generated by autointegration. One of the recombinant M-MuLV DNA inserts contained a large inverted repeat of a unique M-MuLV sequence abutting an LTR. This molecule was shown by nucleotide sequencing to have arisen by an M-MuLV DNA Molecule integrating within a second M-MuLV DNA molecule before cloning. The autointegrated M-MuLV DNA had generally lost two base pairs from the LTR sequence at each junction with target site DNA, whereas a four-base-pair direct repeat of target site DNA flanked the integrated viral DNA. Nucleotide sequencing of preintegration target site DNA showed that this four-base-pair direct repeat was present only once before integration and was thus reiterated by the integration event. The results obtained from the autointegrated clones were supported by nucleotide sequencing of the host-virus junction of two cloned M-MuLV integrated proviruses obtained from infected rat cells. Detailed analysis of the different unique target site sequences revealed no obvious common features.

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