
This is a retrospective analysis of the results of 84 tibial fractures in children treated by intramedullary Kirschner wiring. Thirty were open fractures (9 grade I, 10 grade II, 8 grade IIIA, 3 grade IIIB). There were 65 boys and 18 girls with an average age of 10.23 years (range 4-15). The patient was placed supine on an orthopedic traction table. Under fluoroscopic control, two Kirschner wires (2.5-3.5-mm thick) were introduced antegrade from proximal metaphysis (level of tibial tuberosity) to distal metaphysis, one each from medial and lateral cortices. Open fractures were stabilized after meticulous wound débridement. Average time to union was 9.5 weeks (range 8-14). None developed delayed union. However, one grade IIIB open fracture progressed to infected nonunion; it healed after an autogenous bone graft. No infections were seen in closed fractures, but four superficial and one deep infection occurred in open fractures. Closed intramedullary Kirschner wire fixation for unstable or open tibial fractures in children is a simple surgical technique that produces good clinical and functional results.

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