
As the records do not abound with cases of complete hysterectomy for fibroid complicating pregnancy, presume a detailed report of the following case will bear some interest: Mrs. N., 33 years of age, a multipara; her youngest child was born five years ago. All labors normal with uncomplicated convalescence. During the year 1894 there had been some menstrual disorder, irregularity and at times profuse flow. In May, 1895, she consulted Dr. J. W. McCall for her uterine trouble; the result of the examination report in his words. I made a digital and specular examination, was unable to find the os uteri. The right vaginal vault and iliac region were filled with a hard tumor. The case passed from under Dr. McCall's observation and was not seen by him again until March 8, 1896, when he was called in consultation with Dr. Howard. The patient had then been in

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