
The effects of the invasion ofan exotic predator, Harmonia axyridis(Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), wereinvestigated using three experiments on theecology of aphid predators on apple. Oneexperiment, 1992, was collected prior to theH. axyridis invasion, and two others,1996 to 1997 and 1999 to 2000, were collectedafter the invasion. Except for one year, 1999,H. axyridis was the dominant coccinellid,replacing the formerly dominant Coccinellaseptempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae),another exotic species. The dominance of H. axyridis was greater among larvae thanamong adults. There was no apparent effect ofthe H. axyridis invasion on abundance ofthe predator, Aphidoletes aphidimyza(Rondani) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and apossible positive effect on the abundance ofchrysopids (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Principal component analysis indicated thatalthough individual species were affected, theoverall effect of H. axyridis invasion onthe predator guild as a whole was negligible. The data indicate that the interaction betweenthe two exotic species, H. axyridis andC. septempunctata, may be allowing nativecoccinellids to become more abundant on applethan when C. septempunctata was thedominant coccinellid.

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