
The infrequency with which a diagnosis of intraepithelial epithelioma (Bowen's disease) of the vulva is made and the recent appearance of such a case at the University Hospital have prompted this case report. The first recorded instance of this condition was by Hudelo, Oury, and Cailliau 1 in 1922. In 1943 Knight 2 diagnosed and reported six cases of Bowen's disease of the vulva, and in his review of the literature he noted a total of 26 cases previously published. Alves de Lima and associates 3 reviewed the literature subsequent to 1943 and reported eight more cases. A total of 41 cases of this condition have been recorded. REPORT OF A CASE C. K., a 27-year-old white woman, was admitted to the University Hospital on Jan. 12, 1954, with a complaint of pruritus vulvae of seven years' duration. She had had the usual childhood diseases but

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