
Vocal fold atrophy, scar, and sulcus reduce the vibratory function of the vocal fold mucosa, which causes severe refractory dysphonia. We have reported encouraging preliminary results using an intracordal injection of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and showed improvement in phonatory parameters and voice. The present study summarizes our experience with 100 cases of stiffened vocal folds that were treated with bFGF injections. Retrospective chart review with Interstitial Review Board (IRB) approval. Local injection of bFGF was performed in 100 cases of vocal fold pathology, which included 43 cases of vocal fold atrophy, 41 cases with scar, and 16 cases with sulcus. Ten micrograms of bFGF were injected into the vocal folds under topical anesthesia 4 times in each patient. Therapeutic outcomes were examined with maximum phonation time (MPT), voice handicap index-10 (VHI-10), and GRBAS scale. MPT, VHI-10, and GRBAS scores significantly improved in all pathology groups. An improvement on the VHI-10 greater than five points was observed in 82% of atrophy cases, 78% of scar cases, and 67% of sulcus cases. Improvement on the VHI-10 was significantly better in the atrophy group than the scar or sulcus groups. The mild/moderate cases of scar and sulcus showed better improvement than severe cases. The current large case series indicates positive effects of intracordal injection of bFGF for improvement of voice with no severe adverse events. The effects appeared best for cases of atrophy, while the treatment of severe scar and sulcus requires further improvement. 4 Laryngoscope, 131:2059-2064, 2021.

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