
We have demonstrated that intracellular forms of NOTCH1 transactivate two major Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent promoters, the LMP1 and Cp1 promoters in an EBV-negative B-cell line, BJAB. Truncated intracellular NOTCH1 associated with the nuclear membrane (DeltaE) transactivates the LMP1 promoter fivefold; however, the intranucleus localized form of NOTCH1 (ICN) transactivates this promoter approximately twofold in chloroamphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter assays in BJAB cells. Additionally, DeltaE activated the major Cp1 promoter 12-fold, whereas the ICN form of NOTCH1 activates at only about half that level when compared to that of DeltaE membrane-bound NOTCH1. This result differs from previously observed data, where intracellular NOTCH1 bound to the nuclear membrane, DeltaE, and nucleus-localized NOTCH1, ICN, all had similar levels of activation in 293 cells. This suggests distinct transcriptional activities in different cell types. Moreover, in Jurkat cells, a T-cell line, intranucleus localized NOTCH1 molecules demonstrated a repressive activity against the two EBV major latent promoters. Only DeltaE activated the Cp1 and LMP1 promoters at a level slightly above background, whereas intranucleus localized NOTCH1 ICN, or the form of NOTCH1 lacking the ankyrin repeats, DeltaE(TAR), surprisingly resulted in the repression of these promoters in Jurkat cells. Similarly, another truncated form of NOTCH1, referred to as ICNW, which contains the tryptophan residue W(1767) within one of the RBP-Jkappa interacting domains, repressed the LMP1 promoter approximately twofold. Further analysis of the truncated NOTCH1 molecules on the LMP1 promoter element, lacking the two RBP-Jkappa binding sites, suggests that repression in Jurkat cells may be affected by the presence of the two RBP-Jkappa binding sites. These studies indicate that intracellular NOTCH1 can activate the EBV major latent promoters in BJAB cells. However, in Jurkat cells, intracellular truncated forms of NOTCH1 lacking the RBP-Jkappa binding sites repress these EBV latent promoters. Only the membrane-bound form of NOTCH1, DeltaE, activated the EBV major latent promoters in Jurkat cells, albeit at a lower level than that seen in BJAB cells. Our data suggest that EBNA2 and truncated intracellular nuclear localized forms of NOTCH1 may be functionally similar in their interactions with RBP-Jkappa; however, these molecules may have distinctly different transcriptional partners in BJAB and Jurkat cells. Moreover, these truncated NOTCH1 molecules may not represent the normal processed forms of NOTCH1 in cells and may exhibit dominant negative phenotypes in the absence of the required posttranslational modifications. Further investigations are necessary to determine the similarity and differences occurring with intracellular NOTCH1 in other B- and T-cell lines.

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