
In the search for the etiologic agent in rheumatoid arthritis we have engaged in a long-range study characterizing the differences of normal and rheumatoid synovial cells. In one experiment the normal fetal synovium of six newborn infants who died of various causes shortly after birth were cultured. Pieces of synovium from the knee were removed at autopsy under sterile conditions, and 2 mm fragments grown in Leibovitz medium supplemented with 5% calf serum, 0.1mM glutamine and 500 units of penicillin G. At 4 day intervals tissues were washed with buffer, fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde in cacodylic acid, and later post-fixed with 1% osmium tetroxide. Pieces of rheumatoid synovium removed from patients undergoing synovectomies were similarly treated, cultured and fixed.

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