
We have constructed a new type of FIR laser system for submillimeter heterodyne receivers and we are in the process of evaluating its performance. This new FIR LO laser system makes use of the high circulating power of a CO2 cavity as the optical pump for the FIR laser. In this manner we hope to achieve several technical improvements over the conventional use of extra-cavity pumping. Improvements can be made such as a reduction in size of the LO system, ability to pump more lines because of the high available pump power, and the possibility of achieving some tunability of the FIR laser with high pump power density. First results have been obtained for the 118 tun CH3OH FIR transition.KeywordsPump PowerLaser CavityOptical PumpCurve GratingHigh Pump Power DensityThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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