
The purpose of the work described was to develop a tunable laser diode which is as easy to use as a He-Ne laser stabilized on iodine. The particularity of this experiment is the use of I/sub 2/ cell placed inside the extended cavity laser (ECL). The experimental set-up mounted takes the form of a lambdameter which gives the wavelength to one part in 10/sup 6/, a Fabry-Perot (FP) interferometer for mode analysis and a beat-frequency measurement system. The FP interferometer has the particular feature of a second I/sub 2/ cell which makes it possible to detect the iodine transitions by simple visual inspection of an oscilloscope. Many transitions, some much more intense than the usual R(127)11-5 transition, are under study. We worked mainly on P(33) 6-3 since this is inside the range of our beat-frequency system. Results are promising: the free running relative frequency stability is about three parts in 10/sup 10/ and the locked-laser relative frequency stability about three parts in 10/sup 11/ after 80 s. This is already good enough for use as a wavelength standard for length and for interferometric measurement.

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