
The intra-Landau-level excitations of the two-dimensional electron–hole liquid arecharacterized by two branches of the energy spectrum. The acoustical plasmon branch within-phase oscillations of electrons and holes has a linear dispersion law in the range of smallwavevectors, with a velocity which does not depend on the magnetic field strength, andmonotonically increases with saturation at higher values of the wavevectors. The opticalplasmon branch with oscillations of electrons and holes in opposite phases has a quadraticdependence in the range of long wavelength, a weak roton-type behaviour at theintermediary values of the wavevectors and monotonically increases with saturationsimilar to the case of the acoustical branch. The influence of the supplementaryin-plane electric field leads to the drift of the charged particles in the crossedelectric and magnetic fields and to the energy spectrum as in the reference frame,where the e–h system is moving with the drift velocity. A perturbation theoryusing the Green function method is developed on the basis of a small parameterv2(1−v2), wherev2 is the fillingfactor and (1−v2) displays the phase space filling effect.

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