
The title calix[4]arene, cis-11,17-di-tert-butyl-2,5,23-trimethyl- 14-(4-nitrophenyl)pentacyclo[19.3.1,1 3,7 .1 9,13 .-1 15,19 ]octacosa- 1(25),3,5,7(26),9,11,13(27),15,17, -19(28),21,23-dodecaene-25,26,27,28-tetraol-chloroform (1/0.5), C 45 H 49 NO 6 .0.5CHC1 3 , substituted at two opposite methylene bridges by methyl and p-nitrophenyl groups, forms centrosymmetric hydrogen-bonded dimers in the solid state. This results in an eight-membered (O-H...) 8 ring, with O...O distances in the range 2.637 (4)-2.828 (4) A. Pairs of calix[4]arene molecules (related by another inversion centre) each have a p-methyl group of one molecule fitting snugly into the cavity of the other, with shortest intermolecular C. . .C contacts corresponding to normal C...π-arene interactions. The half-occupancy chloroform molecule lies disordered about another independent inversion centre filling what would otherwise have been a void in the crystal lattice.

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