
We have used the method of quasiclassical dynamics to investigate intra- and intermolecular energy transfer in H2+OH collisions. Energy transfer has been investigated as function of translational temperature, rotational energy, and vibrational energy. The energy transfer mechanism is complex with ten types of energy transfer possible, and evidence was found for all types. There is much more exchange between the translational degree of freedom and the H2 vibrational degree of freedom than there is between translation and OH vibration. Translational energy is transferred to the rotational degrees of freedom of each molecule, and this occurs more readily for OH than H2. Both molecules exhibited intramolecular energy transfer from vibration to rotation, and this was a major pathway for vibrational deactivation. Evidence was also found for the intermolecular transfer of energy from vibration to the rotational and vibrational degrees of freedom of the other molecule.

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