
We describe a case of accidental cannabis poisoning in a 10-month-old girl, who presented with impaired consciousness, with drowsiness and restlessness, generalized hypotonia, and inadequate smiles. No circulatory or respiratory problems were observed. Initial investigations were not informative (blood biology, CT scan, and cerebrospinal fluid examination), while the main causes of coma (meningoencephalitis, head trauma, metabolic disorders) were excluded. Questioning the parents led to suspecting accidental ingestion of a piece of cannabis, which was confirmed by the detection of high blood and urine levels of cannabinoid derivatives. Management was symptomatic and the clinical course, marked by the occurrence of agitation and irritability episodes lasting up to H18, led to complete regression of symptoms. Because of the high consumption in France, pediatric poisoning by cannabis seems increasingly common. The toxic levels in children are unknown however. Diagnosis is based on questioning and the search for cannabinoid derivatives in urine. In children, clinical symptoms are more expressive compared to adults, with neurological (drowsiness, agitation, abnormal behavior, ataxia, hypotonia, coma, and convulsions) or cardiopulmonary (tachycardia, bradypnea, apnea) or homeostatic presentations (hypothermia). Treatment in children is essentially symptomatic but sometimes requires active resuscitation. Recommendations are based on clinical monitoring the first 24h after intoxication and on medicosocial support.

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