
Pitch tracks were analyzed to determine the prosodic domains needed to described intonation patterns in the Seoul dialect of Korean. Three different domains are observed: the intonation phrase, the accentual phrase, and the phonological word. The intonation phrase consists of one or more accentual phrases, and is cued by the occurrence of a final falling or rising boundary tone configuration. The accentual phrase consists of one or more phonological words and is cued by an F0 peak at the beginning and a low‐high accent on the last syllable. Since the initial peak is not associated with every word‐initial syllable, it belongs to the accentual phrase and is not a correlate of word‐initial lexical stress. Undershoot of the initial peak occurs when the accentual phrase is very short. There is also downstep between each accentual phrase within the intonational phrase; the pitch range is reset at the beginning of a new intonation phrase.

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