
Nowadays, most e-government development are moving toward the concept of open government. Government agencies have published their information on the website. Those information are available on the e-government portal in either structured or non-structured format. Creating the open data portal is the common practices found in many countries to involve in open government initiatives. However, this paper will elaborate the concept of open government which is not merely an information publication nor creating open data portal. Open data is just the one side of open government. How government agencies share their services among them is another side of open government which is more complex than publishing the data. High degree of autonomy, diversity of technology provider, and lack of standardization are the factors that contribute to the difficulties of developing collaboration among government agencies. This paper introduces an alternative model for developing and managing shared services among government agencies. This paper proposes a model, namely Inter-government Open Government (IntOGo) Model. It is a framework model to allow government agencies acting as a subscriber or publisher of the services. The model employs the SOA practices, which is not a new technology, for enabling service scalability by categorizing the government services. Using IntOGo model, e-government development will progressively enhance Government-to-Government (G2G) relationship. This paper also presents a case study of synergizing all government information system in Indonesia Supreme Audit Institution. The case study shows that the government institutions that participate in the collaboration still have a choice of the technology of their own. Their degree of autonomy is reserved. In addition, the dissemination stage are relatively fast using this model.

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