
This narrative study explored the lived experiences of blacksmiths in Santiago, Ilocos Sur, delving into various aspects of their craft. It examines their early life experiences, unwavering dedication to blacksmithing as a profession, and the marketing strategies employed to sell their meticulously crafted products. Using the snowball sampling criteria, four (4) participants were identified and interviewed. Through the narratives of skilled blacksmiths, a compelling story unfolded, revealing the rich heritage of blacksmithing passed down through generations. The study also uncovered the physical demands blacksmiths face, highlighting their strength and resilience in the face of strenuous labor. Additionally, it revealed the challenges that blacksmiths encounter including negotiations for lower prices and criticisms of their craftsmanship, which they navigate with professionalism and dedication. Despite these adversities, blacksmiths rise above challenges, using them as opportunities to create exceptional products that exemplify their devotion to the art of blacksmithing.

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