
The relatively low nutritional value of protein from legume seeds has been attributed to the occurrence of some antinutritional factors and the poor content in sulphur aminoacids, which leads to undesirable physiological and biochemical alterations. However, the intimate nature of these processes remains unclear. In order to evaluate the influence of naturally occurring substances of legume constituents on nutrient utilization, the intestinal absorption of D-galactose in the presence of aqueous or alcoholic extracts, obtained from Phaseolus vulgaris hulls, has been measured by use of the in vivo successive absorption technique. Aqueous extracts inhibited significantly (p less than 0.01) the uptake of D-galactose at different times of exposure, while no changes in sugar transport were observed with the alcoholic solutions. Polyamide treatment (a polyphenolic complexing agent) of the aqueous extracts decreased its ability to inhibit sugar uptake. Kinetic studies showed that the aqueous fractions modify Vmax values for D-galactose absorption and also KT data. This inhibition appeared to be reversible after short periods of exposure, affecting mainly the active component of transport. Therefore, it can be suggested that some substances, contained in aqueous extracts of Phaseolus vulgaris reduce sugar absorption. Furthermore, our studies seem to indicate that polyphenols are, at least partly, involved in this phenomenon.

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