
Dr Paulino Ruiz-de-Clavijo from Universidad de Sevilla in Spain talks about the research behind his Letter ‘NanoFS: hardware-oriented file system’ on page 1216. Dr Paulino Ruiz-de-Clavijo During my higher education as a computer engineer I have always been interested in low-level programming and digital electronic circuits. In 1999 I started my PhD research at the University of Seville and the National Microelectronics Centre - CSIC, which I completed at the ID2 research group of the University of Seville. That period allowed me to start working with reprogrammable devices; FPGAs in particular. This technology fascinated me because it opened up the possibility to reuse my knowledge and experience in software programming to develop hardware using hardware description languages (HDLs), and I found the hardware-software codesign a great field to explore. The research in our group involves the wide field of hardware-software codesign and reconfigurable hardware. Our work is mainly focused on the design of digital embedded systems and SoC (system on chip) on FPGAs and the design of application-specific peripherals for SoC. Relating to SoCs, we have worked with open platforms like the LEON and OpenRISC soft-core microprocessors. In our group we have also developed hardware for industrial projects like a SNTP synchronisation platform based on FPGA and a frequency synchroniser for OFDM systems. We have developed a new file system called ‘nano file system’ (NanoFS) which is specially tailored to be implemented in hardware. It has been designed from scratch keeping in mind the hardware implementation limitations. The main objective is to be able to do file system operations just with digital circuits while keeping a minimum hardware footprint. The approach keeps the high level file system features and it can be used in both low level embedded systems and high-level operating systems. An all-hardware file system reader core is presented in our Letter which has been successfully implemented and tested in a low-range FPGA device. It can be included in custom designs to read data from files stored in external storage media. Most file systems are designed with two overall objectives: to be optimal for the storage medium and/or to be optimal when implemented in software. Our proposal is a hardware-friendly file system suitable for embedded systems. The file system can be used without an operating system or before the operating system is booted. File systems like FAT or EXT2 are widely used in electronic devices and SoC. The layouts of these traditional file systems are intended to be managed with software algorithms. When these algorithms are translated to HDL, a large amount of resources are necessary. There have been a few initiatives to develop file systems for embedded systems to solve these problems that simplifies data structures and improves some software routines. These file systems are written in C and supply an API for some microcontrolers but are not designed to achieve a hardware implementation. Some custom designs in hardware require dynamic configuration, such as the network configuration, calibration parameters, etc. In previous work we developed a SNTP synchronisation server designed as a full hardware solution to improve the precision. To try different configurations of these servers, we had to reprogram the FPGA device. We thought that a data file in a file system that could be accessed directly from the device hardware would be a faster and more flexible method to achieve that. We created NanoFS to solve the problems we found when we tried to access other file systems from hardware. Currently, from a software perspective, a dedicated file manager application is used to access the file system. We are working to improve a Linux native driver for NanoFS so we can access the files right from the operating system. At this moment the driver works in read-only mode. We are also migrating the file manager to the MS Windows platform. From the hardware perspective, we are developing some new hardware cores with write support. We plan to test the write support module with current solid state disks to measure the performance. Further applications we have planned to use the new file system are: data acquisition systems; boot loaders for embedded systems; and FPGA dynamic reconfiguration.

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