
Dr. Peter King has been active in digital documents and hypertext for almost thirty years. He was one of the founders of the Electronic Publishing conference series and of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, whose Steering Committee he now chairs. He holds the position of Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. He has recently held research positions at the University of Kent, UK and at LIRMM, Montpellier, France, and has worked at several other European and Canadian research institutes. Peter's work in document engineering covers several areas. He has performed individual and collaborative work on formalisms for multimedia document specification and on document description languages and systems, leading to the creation of several working systems. He has collaborated on work on hypertext, including the OPALES system and its successors, and on hypertext architectures supporting collaborative document usage and user communities. His joint work with Marc and Jocelyne Nanard won the ACM Engelbart award for best paper at the Hypertext 2003 Conference. Prior to developing his interest in document engineering and hypertext, he worked extensively in the area of programming language design and implementation. Peter King is a leader in computing education and educational standards. He is Director of Accreditation for CIPS, the Canadian Information Processing Society, which establishes and assesses industry recognized standards for postsecondary computing education in university and college institutions across Canada and internationally.

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