
Kaj Grønbæk received his PhD in 1991 from University of Aarhus, Denmark. Since 1999 he is full professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. He is a manager of the interdisciplinary Center for Interactive Spaces. His research includes hypermedia, Web-technologies, interactive spaces, augmented reality, context-aware interaction, interaction design, as well as participatory design. He has developed hypermedia systems and user interface design tools, and he has a scientific publication list including a book and more than 100 international papers. He has managed or co-managed a series of research projects, amounting to more than 60 million Dkr. in external funding. Many of the projects have taken place in collaboration with industry. He is one of the co-founders of the Multimedia and the IT-educations at University of Aarhus, and he has extensive experience in teaching. For more information and access to publications, see http://www.cs.au.dk/~kgronbak.

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