
Dick Bulterman is a professor of computer science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and a senior researcher at CWI: Centrum Wiskunde en Informatica, also in Amsterdam, where he has worked since 1988. From 2013--2015 he was President and CEO of FX Palo Alto Laboratories in California. From 1988--2013, he was head of the group Distributed and Interactive Systems. Between 1997 and 2002, Bulterman was the Managing Director of Oratrix Development bv, a CWI spin-off technology company. Before joining CWI, he was a professor of computer engineering at Brown University in Providence, RI. Bulterman has been active in the interactive television systems area for many years and has done work together with his CWI colleagues on a wide range of user interface topics (including early work on the use of secondary screens for personalizing media content). Bulterman has been active in the multimedia community since 1993 and has served in various roles on ACM MM organizing committees. He was Vice-Chair of ACM SIGWEB before becoming Chair in 2015. He was a founding editorial board member of ACM TOMCCAP and ACM/Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications, and is associate editor of Springer Multimedia Systems. He is past chair of W3C's Synchronized Multimedia working group. Bulterman received a Ph.D. in computer science from Brown University in 1981.

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