
e16569 Background: The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Cancer Trials Support Unit (CTSU) provides access to NCI-sponsored trials. To participate in a multi-center trial, sites must first complete the trial’s Protocol Specific Requirements (PSRs); interested sites are listed as “pending” in the CTSU database until all PSRs are completed. The aim of this investigation was to examine site activation delays for a study with multiple start-up steps and evaluate an intervention directed at helping sites more rapidly open it to patient accrual. Methods: NCCTG N0577, an anaplastic glioma trial named CODEL, was identified as a slow accruing trial with many sites listed as pending activation in the CTSU’s database (>85%; n=227 pending). Most N0577 pending sites had 1-2 incomplete PSRs (with 75% requiring only a neurocognitive certification), and we suspected that sites were not aware of these requirements. To accelerate site activation for N0577, we created an intervention using Awareness Theory. First, N0577 was amended to streamline the neurocognitive certification process. We then generated email lists of the 227 pending sites’ PIs (n=21; note: many were PIs of multiple sites) and their respective administrators (n=46), and created tailored email notices by PSR category explaining the necessary steps to complete N0577 activation at their site or to report their site as not planning to participate. Emails were sent to sites via the CTSU. Results: 31 sites (14%) registered activity for N0577 within 3 weeks of the intervention. Of these, 22 changed status to “approved,” 2 were disapproved, 1 withdrew, and 6 made changes but remained pending. This represents a marked increase (+520%) in site activity of the CTSU Regulatory Support Service (RSS) for N0577, compared with the monthly average (5 events/mo) during the preceding 6 months. Accrual is being monitored to observe for any increases and will be reported. Conclusions: Complicated and incomplete PSRs delay site activation of multi-center trials and may impact accrual. Streamlining PSR processes and early monitoring of CTSU site activation with notifications to sites of outstanding PSRs for trials can increase the timeliness of sites opening trials, with the potential to improve accrual.

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