
Game theory is more popular in competitive situations due to its importance in decision making. Several kinds of fuzzy sets can manage uncertainty in matrix games. Neutrosophic set theory has been instrumental in investigating ambiguity, complexity, inconsistency, and incompleteness in real-time issues. Nowadays, sarcastic comments on social media have become a general tendency. Sarcasm is frequently used by individuals to pester or taunt others. It is often conveyed via inflection, tonal stress in speech, or lexical, hyperbolic, and pragmatic features existing in the text. Sentiment Analysis (SA) is regarded as the data mining targets of sentiment organization of the client's criticisms obtainable in textual form. Sarcasm is a form of speech that states an individual's downside feeling through a positive term. Labeling sarcasm in characters is a dynamic task for Natural Language Processing to evade the misconception of sarcastic speeches as a verbatim declaration. The outcome of these kinds of sarcastic speeches is hard for the people and machines. Sarcasm has a considerable influence on the efficacy of SA techniques that are impacted by mendacious sentiments that frequently belong to sarcastic classes. This study introduces an Interval-valued Fermatean Neutrosophic Graph with Grey Wolf Optimization for Sentiment Analysis (IFeNG-GWOSA) on Microblogging Data. The IFeNG-GWOSA technique includes a sarcasm detection technique that categorizes words in sarcastic or non-sarcastic form. The initial phase is preprocessing, where the tokenization and stop word removal are implemented. Then, the preprocessed data is subjected to feature extraction, where the BERT word embedding is applied. The IFeNG model is used for sarcasm detection, and the grey wolf optimizer (GWO) generates its parameter selection technique. Lastly, the efficiency of the presented technique is compared with existing approaches under different measures

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