
Calmodulin-regulated spectrin-associated proteins (Camsaps) bind to the N-terminal domain of WD40-repeat 47 (Wdr47-NTD; featured with a LisH-CTLH motif) to properly generate axonemal central-pair microtubules (CP-MTs) for the planar beat pattern of mammalian motile multicilia. The underlying molecular mechanism, however, remains unclear. Here, we determine the structures of apo-Wdr47-NTD and Wdr47-NTD in complex with a characteristic Wdr47-binding region (WBR) from Camsap3. Wdr47-NTD forms an intertwined dimer with a special cross-over region (COR) in addition to the canonical LisH and globular α-helical core (GAC). The basic WBR peptide adopts an α-helical conformation and anchors to a tailored acidic pocket embedded in the COR. Mutations in this target-binding pocket disrupt the interaction between Wdr47-NTD and Camsap3. Impairing Wdr47-Camsap interactions markedly reduces rescue effects of Wdr47 on CP-MTs and ciliary beat of Wdr47-deficient ependymal cells. Thus, Wdr47-NTD functions by recognizing a specific basic helical motif in Camsap proteins via its non-canonical COR, a target-binding site in LisH-CTLH-containing domains.

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