
Mineral composition, granulometry, cohesion, relative and absolute density, and the pH of samples of the Santa Elena sedimentary rock shoal (37°56′02″ S; 58°11′35″ W; Argentina) were determined in order to relate the endolithic fauna with the properties of the substrate. Twenty three samples were collected in December 1987, applying a systematic sampling method to an intertidal area of 5 500 m2. The mineral composition was determined using x-ray diffraction. Cohesion was determined by visual evaluation of the disintegration of the sample following various periods of immersion in water and by recording the resistance to compressive fracture according to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard. The ASTM standard was also followed for measurement of absolute and relative densities and porosity. The rock was ground up in distilled water and the pH of the resulting liquid measured over a period of 24 h. The data were analysed using numerical taxonomy, and in a supplementary study a granulometric analysis was attempted using five representative samples. The endolithic species selected were: the sipunculanThemiste petricola; the polychaetesPolydora sp. andPherusa sp., and the bivalvesLithophaga patagonica, Petricola patagonica, Saxicava solida, Barnea lamellosa, andPholadidea darwini. The mineral analysis indicated heterogeneous composition and spatial distribution characteristic of a loess. In terms of cohesion, the substrate displayed varying degrees of disintegration, with resistance ranging from zero to very high (254.6 kg/cm2). The endolithic faunaThemiste petricola, Polydora sp.,Pherusa sp.,Lithophaga patagonica, Petricola patagonica, andSaxicava solida were found in areas of low to very high cohesion, with or without calcite. The Pholadidae were found in areas of zero to low cohesion, with absence or traces of calcite. This study indicates the important role of cohesion in determining the distribution of the endolithic fauna.

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