
The article is devoted to the problem of intertextuality in native commercial advertising as one of the most modern technologies for promoting goods and services on the market. The types of intertextual inclusions in the international glossy magazine Tatler” is systematized in the paper and their functional potential is described. The choice of the research source is due to the significant influence of transnational media on the process of homogenization of cultural pictures of the world of different ethnic groups and the prototypical nature of the journal as an encyclopedia of the lifestyle of a successful person. It is proved that the native advertising discourse of “Tatler” magazine is characterized by the presence of a complex system of verifiable intertextual units, including quotes from fashion designers, models, actors, etc., transformed and non-transformed text applications from different source areas, precedent names, hashtags with an allusive function. It is noted that the analyzed units are multifunctional and perform informative, attractive, expressive, suggestive, compositional-playing and other functions. The author comes to the conclusion that the whole system of intertextual inclusions of “Tatler” native advertising is aimed at creating and maintaining a myth about the existence of a special “Tatler man” in the visually aesthetic world of luxury, whose image becomes a tool for forming the social status identity of the addressee of the advertising message.

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