
The Sanskrit D?rgh?gama manuscript is a Sarv?stiv?da/M?lasarv?stiv?da text containing a collection of ancient canonical Buddhist s?tras, composed in Sanskrit and written on birch bark folios. This collection had been lost for centuries and was rediscovered in the late twentieth century. In this paper, I examine key instances of intertextuality between a new edition of a s?tra from the (M?la-)Sarv?stiv?da D?rgh?gama – the Sanskrit Pras?dan?ya-s?tra –, the Pali Sampas?dan?ya-sutta, and Chinese ???? (Zì hu?nx? j?ng) – the three corresponding versions of this text in the ?gama/nik?ya collections of the (M?la-)Sarv?stiv?da, Therav?da, and Dharmaguptaka schools. Hence, contradictions among the texts that are not easily explainable will be shown, uncovering apparent confusion among the creators of these texts and hopefully shedding new light on our understanding of these texts.

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