
The purpose of this article is to investigate the ways and objectives of using intertextual names by A. S. Pushkin in the text of his novel “The Young Lady-Peasant». The names of the printed text are compared with the names that A. S. Pushkin originally used in the draft. This made it possible to investigate the causes of names changes. The object of study is intertextual proper names. The subject is the identification of reasons for the use of these names by A. S. Pushkin for the general embodiment of the work design. The material was the intertextual naming in the drafts and in final version of story “The Young Lady-Peasant.» In the course of this study, it was revealed that in the drafts of A. S. Pushkin, the main characters initially had two or three different names. As a result of the study, the author of the article comes to following conclusions. In the process, A. S. Pushkin changed the nominations of the characters in order to correlate them with the famous characters of Russian and foreign literature. The author notes the intertextuality of names L i s a , G r e g o r y , nickname of the dog S b o g a r and others in Pushkin’s text. Through the use of intertectual names comparable to the names of N. M. Karamzin’s heroes and the novels of “fierce romanticism», A. S. Pushkin parodies one-sided and extra-social image of a person in them, far-fetched and hyperbolic nature of situations. It should be noted that the writer remains in the position of onomastic realism and does not distort historical plausibility, when he chooses intertextual names for his characters.

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