
Interspecific competition has been suggested as an explanation for the failure of some insects as biological control agents for weeds. Enclosure and exclusion cages were used, in southern British Columbia, Canada to evaluate the importance of interspecific competition between a seedhead weevil, Larinus minutus, and a gall-inducing fly, Urophora affinis, two biocontrol agents released against spotted knapweed in North America. At the seedhead scale, U. affinis, which is an inferior biological control agent based on knapweed seed mortality, was the superior competitor. Larinus minutus attack rates were significantly lower in the presence of U. affinis compared to release treatments where L. minutus was attacking alone. Reduced L. minutus attack rates were apparent in seed heads expected to contain both species, assuming insect distributions were random, but instead only contained U. affinis. L. minutus did not significantly affect U. affinis density. Although overall attack rates on knapweed seedheads were higher when both species were together at a site, the consequence of the antagonistic interaction is that overall seed destruction was not as high as it could have been if the weevil were attacking on its own. These results support minimizing the number of biocontrol agents released that use similar resources on the target weed, to avoid negative interactions between control agents and potential reductions in biocontrol efficacy resulting from competitive exclusion.

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