
With 2 figures and 5 tables Abstract Interspecific hybridization between closely related wild Cicer species was performed. The Cicer judaicum × C. pinnatifidum cross resulted in sterile F1’s because of abnormal flowers. Backcrossing the F1 plant with C. pinnatifidum pollen resulted in mostly sterile BC1F1 plants. Similarly, poor fertility was observed among the C. bijugum×C. judaicum F2. The annual C. cuneatum × perennial C. canariense F1’s was partially fertile with intermediate morphology. Meiotic chromosome pairing in the annual × perennial F1’s was mostly normal, but pollen fertility was approximately 50%. These plants flowered profusely but produced only a meagre yield of viable F2 seeds and many shrivelled seeds. Similar to the situation in other interspecific crosses, the fertility and vigour of the F2 plants derived from the annual × perennial cross were lower compared with that of the F1, yet another demonstration of the complex crossing barriers prevalent in the genus Cicer. The implications of the above findings to chickpea breeding are discussed with emphasis on the actual value of distantly related wild relatives for chickpea improvement.

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