
The relationships between the concentrations of zinc, cadmium and lead in aquatic plants and the concentrations of these metals in the ambient water have been compared for three algae (Lemanea fluviatilis, Cladophora glomerata, Stigeoclonium tenue), one liverwort (Scapania undulata) and three mosses (Amblystegium riparium, Fontinalis antipyretica, Rhynchostegium riparioides). The data to establish these relationships are all based on our own studies, some published already, some here for the first time. They come from a wide range of streams and rivers in Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and the U.K. There were significant bivariate positive relationships between concentrations of Zn, Cd and Pb in water and plant for all species except Cd and Pb in Stigeoclonium tenue. When relationships were compared using datasets with total or filtrable metals in water, most differences were slight. However there were marked differences both between species and between metals. Comparison for the seven species of Zn in the plant when aqueous Zn is 0.01 mg l−1, a concentration at which all seven were found, shows that the four bryophytes had the highest concentrations; however the two green algae had steeper slopes (representing change in concentration in plant in response to change in aqueous concentration). Lemanea fluviatilis had a slope closer to that of the bryophytes, but the concentration was about one order of magnitude lower. All seven species were found at a concentration of 0.01 mg l−1 Pb, and at this concentration there were almost two orders of magnitude difference between the species which accumulated the most (Scapania undulata) and the one which accumulated the least (Cladophora glomerata). The steepest slope was however shown by C. glomerata.

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