
Hyla ebraccata, H. microcephala and H. phlebodes commonly occur together in Panama. The three species have calls exhibiting broad frequency overlap and call during the same season and time of day from similar microhabitats, frequently in close proximity. The vocal repertoires of the three species are structurally and functionally similar. All employ multi-part advertisement and aggressive calls which consist of a primary note followed by a variable number of clicks. H. ebraccata males often responded to heterospecific calls with multi-note synchronized responses, and calls with primary notes greater than 150–200 ms were most effective in eliciting synchrony. Playback experiments with synthetic 1-note advertisement calls of different durations and both synthetic 1-note advertisement calls and 200 ms tones of different frequencies demonstrated that H. ebraccata males will synchronize with stimuli which are similar in frequency and duration to conspecific calls. Data from a two-choice experiment with female H. ebraccata demonstrate that calls of individual H. microcephala can reduce the attractiveness of a H. ebraccata male's calls if primary notes overlap. By synchronizing response calls to those of H. microcephala, a H. ebraccata may reduce the chances that his calls are rendered less attractive to potential mates.

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